Performance Standards
Performance Standards
As a means of complying with Connecticut Public Act 01-166, the Board requires that, prior to graduation, all students demonstrate a specific level of skill in each of the following areas: Writing, Mathematics and Technology. This requirement begins with the Class of 2006 and includes the following criteria:
Performance Standard for Writing
- A student will have achieved standard when he/she has accomplished one of the following:
- Meet or exceed the state standard on the Writing Across the Disciplines section of the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT).
- Achieve a final grade that is equal to or greater than seventy-five (75) in each of three required English credits (See: English Curriculum standards).
- Write and revise an essay in a workshop setting that meets the FOEE benchmarks (Focus, Organization, Elaboration and Editing).
Performance Standard for Mathematics
- A student will have achieved standard when he/she has accomplished one of the following:
- Meet or exceed the state standard on the Mathematics section of the Connecticut Academic Performance Test (CAPT).
- Achieve the state average on the SAT.
- Achieve a final grade that is equal to or greater than seventy-five (75) in each of the three required Mathematics credits (See: Mathe¬matics Curriculum standards).
- Pass The Gilbert School Performance Assess¬ment in Mathematics.
Performance Standard for Technology
A student will have achieved standard when he/she has accomplished each of the following:
Hardware Skills
- Identify basic computer components.
- Launch and close a program.
- Create and use a system for storing, organizing, and backing up files of his/her original work.
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic computer terminology and purposefully use the following pieces of hardware: A personal computer, storage device, digital camera.
- Research and Inquiry Skills
- Formulate a topic for a research paper or project that requires an original, supported outcome.
- Identify and assess available information sources, including print, electronics and primary sources to determine which sources best suit the research needed.
- Locate and evaluate sources both within and beyond the school by: Using the online card catalog; using Internet search engines; using online databases and indexes; judging the accuracy, currency, and bias of found information; citing sources of information in the proper format; gathering and organizing information into an original word-processed document.
Communication and Use Skills
Use technology to collaborate with others for the completion of academic work.
Use e-mail to communicate with his/her teachers regarding completing and submitting assignments to complete cooperative activities with other students.
Identify and communicate information to various audiences through at least two of the following: Word-processed report; an oral presentation sup¬plemented by a computer presentation program; a web page that meets school guidelines; a spreadsheet or pictorial presentation of data.
Appropriate Use of Resources Skills
Understand and follow the school’s policies regarding the use of technology.
Understand and recognize technological threats to their privacy and property.
Understand and comply with copyright laws and understand plagiarism.
Identify the uses of technology as they relate to society, their academic work, personal lives and future career.
Note: There are certain situations in which the administration may reaffirm, waive or modify the Performance Standards as a requirement for grad¬uation, in whole or in part, as appropriate to the individual student involved, such as in the case of:
- Special Education students, as a part of their IEP.
- Transfer Students.