Your School

The W.L. Gilbert Legacy Society



School entrace with flags

The W. L. Gilbert Legacy Society recognizes the generous alumni and friends who have indicated that they will make a bequest or other planned gift to benefit The Gilbert School.

  • Help ensure the legacy of The Gilbert School in a simple and affordable way.
  • Make a deferred gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
  • Enjoy tax advantages.
  • Enable The Gilbert School to make a difference in the lives of generations of students to come!





Charter Members:

Harry and JoAnn Briggs

Thomas J. Botticelli

Ellen Cormier Marino '83

James A. Pettit '71

Steven A. Sedlack '60


William L. Gilbert

Thanks to the legacy of

William L.Gilbert, The Gilbert

School has been able to

provide a quality educational

experience for our youth

for nearly 130 years.