Your School

Sora Instructions


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We have access to hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks using Sora.  Sora has replaced Overdrive and is already loaded onto students' chromebooks. In addition, if students have local library cards, they can link their account on Sora and have even greater access to digital content. 

Getting started with Sora is easy!

Step 1
       Sora is available on all students’ Chromebooks but the app is also available for Apple or Google products.
Step 2
       In Sora, find your school, then sign in.
       sername: student’s last name and first three letters of first name.   For example; Kyle Smith would be smithkyl
Step 3

       Browse the tab and borrow a book. Your book will open so you can start reading right away.
Step 4

      Close the book and go to to see all your books (including assignments). From there, you can:
● Select Open book or Open audiobook to read or listen to the book.
● Select Options to renew or return the book, see your notes and highlights, andmore.

Step 5

     If you have a public library card, you can add that account to your Sora and increase your catalog of books.