Your School

Welcome to The Gilbert School Library

A view of the library looking out through the windows


School Librarian, Mrs. Pfeffer

School Librarian, Mrs. Pfeffer

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TGS Library Events

There are no events to display
7th grade student working at a library table.
student showing a picture of  a snowman that she drew
faculty posing in the library foyer
a view of the empty library looking out the large windows
A student smiling as he shows his drawing
student working in the library
students on Chromebooks in the library
students working during class in the library
students working in the library
A class working in the library
students on Chromebooks
student working on a project
student posing in front of a jigsaw puzzle that she completed
Students at tables in the library watching a presentations
students working at tables in the library
Student using a Civil War era woven fan.
Student in a civil war era woman's bonnet.
Student dressed in Civil War ear coat and hat.
Student dressed in Civil War era black coat and hat.
students exploring Civil War era children's toys.
Student dressed in pink Civil war Era Dress