Current Trustees
Charles Seaback, Class of 1972, President
Ellen Cormier Marino, Class of 1983, Vice President
Jennifer L. Marchand, Class of 1993, Treasurer
TBD, Secretary
Scott W. Beecher
Susan Moore Belle-Isle
Holly J. Cassaday, Class of 1990
Donald L. Crossman Class of 1999
Jared Fritch
Kris Griffin
Theresa Padin, Class of 1999
David L. Sartirana, Class of 1978
Jody Mangione, Class of 1987
Joseph White, Class of 2000
Trustees Emeriti
Thomas J. Botticelli
Patricia Bourque
JoAnn T. Briggs
Alan S. Colavecchio '69
Elaine A. Fortuna
Deborah G. Jones '70
Robert P. O'Connor '49
Steven A. Sedlack