Make a Gift Online
For your convenience, you may also donate via PayPal. Even if you do not have a PayPal account, when you click the button below, you will be given the additional option to use American Express, VISA, Discover, or Mastercard. Once you submit your gift, the Office of Development and Alumni Relations will receive notification and we will mail an acknowledgment letter to you for tax purposes. If you would like to make an online gift to a fund other than the Annual Fund, type the name of another fund or scholarship in the "Purpose" line on the PayPal order page.
About the Trust
The W.L. Gilbert Trust Corporation was formed according to the wishes of local businessman William L. Gilbert, who wanted to make a solid education available to all students. As instructed by Mr. Gilbert's will, the Trust was to use the endowment he left for “the establishment and maintenance of an institution of learning to be known as The Gilbert School."
William L. Gilbert
More than one hundred years later, the school still stands as his legacy
and The W.L. Gilbert Trust continues to manage the endowment. Over the years, the Trust has been fortunate to receive charitable gifts/donations
for the endowment. It produces income each year that is used to enhance the learning environment at The Gilbert School. Alumni and friends have created and contributed to memorial funds and scholarships, either through bequests or direct donations, and classes have given gifts in
honor of their graduations or reunions. It's wonderful to witness people giving back to their school to ensure it continues a tradition of high-quality education by teaching and applying 21st-century skills.
In addition to the general endowment, the Trust manages $2 million designated for scholarships that benefit many Gilbert students and alumni each year. The Trust also provides enhancement funds to The Gilbert School for projects, programs, and other expenses that are not covered by the operating budget—including the 1999–2000 renovations, which cost the Trust $3.5 million. The state of Connecticut funded the balance for a total of more than $10 million in renovations and upgrades.
William Gilbert was clear in his vision “to educate the young as will help them become good citizens.” The members of the Trust take this responsibility seriously and look for every opportunity to make a positive impact on the education of the students at The Gilbert School.
Contact the Trust
The W.L. Gilbert Trust Corporation is always open to your questions, comments, and suggestions. Feel free to contact any member, each living in Winsted as mandated by Mr. Gilbert’s will. They will be pleased to talk to you. All Current and Emeritus Trustees can be reached initially through
Via mail:
The W.L. Gilbert Trust Corporation
c/o The Gilbert School
200 Williams Avenue
Winsted, CT 06098